



H o m e

IT Consulting

Web Design

Web Services







Wireless Internet Access    

We install Secure WiFi in your Home, Office or HOA

Starting from $250,  including hardware 
(WiFi router and cables)



WiFi  Security

Please BEWARE:   Identity theft is rampant !! 
Your  WiFi installation straight out of the box is  NOT SECURE.

Drive by hackers or neighbors can easily enter an unsecured WiFi network and get access to some or all
information on all of your PCs.



 Home  | WiFi Consulting & Management  |  Web Services  |  PC Sales  |  Contact  |  About

Aspen Hi Tech, Inc.       600 E Hopkins, #203            Aspen, CO          970.925.1322

    Hit Counter                                                                                                                      Web Design by Aspen Hi Tech